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Take a Pill

Friends, I appreciate the fact that some of you may have business 
conflicts with, or personality conflicts with, Eric Fletcher.  
However, the public pis**ng and sniping is getting old.  Other 
differences of opinion and behavior have been either taken off-list 
or set aside.  I would be grateful if that would happen in this case. 
I for one have appreciated his occasional contributions, and hope 
that there will be more in the future.

The email address recently cited, FstQuattro@aol.com,
is not Eric's as I have confirmed via correspondence with the owner.  
Please do not include that person in any continued sniping.

All of you do have my continued esteem and attention to your posts.

Al Powell                        
Voice:  409/845-2898 (a new number)
Fax:    409/862-1202
As of July 1, email will be: Apowell@learn.colostate.edu      