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RE: What's the sodium for?

>Robert Myers <rmyers@inetone.net> wrote:
>> I suspect you may have seen warnings of "Danger" rather than "Poisonous".
>> However, the latter warning might make sense because everyone understands
>> the word.
>Yes, I do believe it was probably a "danger" warning I heard.  That's very
>enlightening, thanks.  I won't be triming down any sodium filled valves
>anytime soon!

The reason there was a "danger" warning is because Sodium is EXTREMELY
dangerous, even in small quantities.  You wouldn't have time to ingest, or
even touch it to get poisoned by it.

It reacts in a very violent way to any form of moisture, and if it comes in
direct contact with water, large amounts of hydrogen are released.
Hydrogen can then explode.

Phosphorus is even worse...both have to be stored under oil to avoid
contact with moisture.


Brett Dikeman
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