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Re: Meet at Susquehhanock Trail Pro Rally
I'll be up there also, as usuall for the past 5 yrs.
Known by the SPANISH MAFIA.
I'm staying at the Ski Saw Mill resort.
Fri. morning 2 friend are goung up, Lui and Luis, in a 90 GTi black with a
yellow stripe across it.
Fri. night im going in my 89 200Tq Lago Blue.
Also 90 90 20v silver
87 Coupe white
97 Suburu RS
9? Coupe Q
Jose and Eduardo which DNFd in there 87 4000q there in 1996
maybe in Edu's 83 Sciroco, or his 87 4000q white or his 8? 328t?
Well be up with Sakis's new invention The VW AUDI S1
See ya