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Re: Them's the breaks ...

Mr. Eaton sez:  "...that, or drive safer."

Dave, I think you and I agree on some points here, but not that

For the vast majority of people, stock brakes ok?  ahhh, maybe.  Who
though, is the "vast majority"?  The vast majority of drivers, imfo,
don't know the first thing about driving a car.  The vast majority
idea to crash avoidance is put the steering wheel in a death-grip, put
1000 pound of pressure on the brake pedal, close their eyes and hope. 
Could argue that the mouthbreathers need big reds more than some of us
[kidding here:)].

Now, to the drive safer point.  This reminds me so much of
manufacturers defenses in crashworthiness cases.  Obviously, if no one
drives at all, the roads would be damned safe.  That is not real
world.  Let's put it this way.  If your idea of driving safer means
never letting the car stretch its legs on twisty roads [where I do
show brake fade, consistently], then we need to do a straight up swap
of cars.  Your RS2 for one of the nice NA's my folks drive:)

In stock form, the Audi brakes on US tq cars sold prior to the S4
suck.  They are imo, under-designed, not over, just like the door
handles, headlights, EM, window switches, etc.  Funny thing is, none
of the tq type 44's [or either of the wonder cars you own] were
manufactured for the vast majority.  If they had been, the price would
have been about ½ of what it was new, maybe less.  These cars sold for
big money, to people that apparently wanted something more sporting
than some shi*box formed out of plastic.  But, of course, I could be
