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Subject: Things that go thump....(in the night as well :)
Rob wrote:
Car in question '93 90. I occasionally get a thump, feels like a hammer
hitting the floor board or something to that effect when I make hard lefts
only. Struts are new (had the problem before then) as well as strut mounts,
subframe bushings are relatively new, control arm bushings new...tie rod,
ball joint, sway bar all in fine condition. Replaced the left side trans
mount awhile back. I think it might be the right side trans mount, because
that is the side where the noise comes from. Any other ideas? Could a
little free play in a subframe bolt hole cause this. I had a problem the
dealer caused and one of the subframe holes got a little wallowed out. The
bolt and nut on it now are nice and tight though.
Rob: I believe that when the subframe bolts are removed, they must be
replaced because they get body cavity wax on them in removal, making the
proper torque impossible to achieve (or at least measure...) on
reinstallation. As I recall, you must have the car supported by it's wheels
when torquing up the bolts.
When the subframe bolt hole gets ovalled out because the bolt loosens up, you
get your front suspension geometry changing while cornering (the thump). The
fix is to remove the subframe and weld on a big heavy washer of the correct
inner diameter over the oval hole. Don't delay, get this checked out. If the
dealer made the problem, firmly but nicely make them correct it (ask for a new
subframe first, then compromise with a fixed/welded one...)
HTH, Chris Miller, windham nh, c1j1miller@aol.com