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Re: how do you make the a/c colder?
At 05:32 PM 6/4/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Are you sure about this? I was concerned, so I grabbed a can from the case
>in the garage to check. Contents: 1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane. Sounds like
>there's some flourine in there somewhere, and curiously, nowhere on the label
>does it warn about being explosive, or even flammable ( it does however warn
>about contents under pressure!).
It is not flammable in the ordinary sense. By injecting some vapor into
the flame of a torch you _might_ get it to burn - feebly. You could
probably use it as a fire extinguisher as they did way back when when
carbon tetrachloride was used as a fire extinguisher (bad idea, BTW).
There is another proposed phase change coolant propounded by a man whose
name escapes me at the moment which consists of a flammable mixture
described below. This stuff is *NOT* R-134a!
>>You lose 20% of the cooling capacity when you change from R-12 to
>>R-134a. In addition, the pressure generated by the R-12 compressor is not
>>high enough to take full advantage of the R-134a characteristics.
>> BTW, R-134a is a mixture of propane and isobutane. Something to keep in
>>mind in a front end collision with that condensor hanging out in front. The
>>automotive engineers apparently believe the risk is acceptable, but I would
>>think there is a good chance of a fireball with a couple of pounds of
>>barbecue fuel spewing out of a ruptured condensor.
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@inetone.net Home 304-574-2372/1166 *
* Rt. 1, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP *
* '95 S6 Cashmere Grey *