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Re: Need basic info on '90 V8 Q


If you don't buy it I will. I would offer him $10,000. Nice car but they
are $$$$$$ to repair. 


Keith Bidne
Janesville, WI

> From: Todd Carson <tcarson@dallas.net>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Need basic info on '90 V8 Q
> Date: Thursday, June 04, 1998 5:34 AM
> Hi All,
> My father-in-law is considering buying one of the all alluminum V8's. 
> means his '90 V8 may become available.  He promised me "first right of
> refusal" if he does decide to get a new one.  
> His '90 V8 only has ~50k miles, all routine maintenance (based on
>  has been garaged it's entire life, and has been driven "gingerly". The
> pearl paint shines like new,  and I'm not sure if the back seat of the
> has ever been used.  This car is about as clean as it comes!
> If I remember correctly,  1990 was the first year for this car (at least
> the U.S.).  Does anyone know of any "quirks", "nuances", or "issues" with
> this car. More importantly, what kind of pr$ce tag might I be lookin at?
> This car is so clean, so sweet, & so smooth that I'll do what ever I can
> get it,  but I want to be sure I can swing-it.  Thats why I'm already
> starting my plan of attack.  Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
> Direct email would be better, please.
> Also, I'm also curious how this car stacks up against other Euro Audi
> models that we don't see in the U.S..  Where can I find info on the
> differences between U.S. models vs. Euro models?
> Thanx
> D'Rookie (TC)