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you are very much right...
easiest to look at a torque curve...
no matter what cam timing, to a limited extent, camshaft, and many of the
other tuning tricks available..the AREA under the curve will generally be
the same..advancing the camshaft, will move the peak downward, smaller
intake plenum, moves it upward, these are all compromises..moving torque
from one place to another in the curve...the stock cam timing is a little
retared, IMHO, but at speed..(80 or so) you are well into the
curve....advance it and you lose torque at the high end...etc...


In his inestimable wisdom,Bruce Bell <bbell04@ibm.net>wisely said:

>I would not do the exhaust unless yours is ready for replacement anyway.
>Unlike the Coupe GT, the 4K quattro has the best exhaust system Audi put on
>a normally aspirated motor.  This exhaust is worth 5 hp over the Coupe GT.
>I use the Schrick 272 cam in my 4kq. with the factory exhaust in place the
>car picked up about 10-12 hp at the top end. You won't notice the
>improvement though unless you push the motor to the 4000- 6000 rpm range.
>Below 3000 rpm there will be slightly less power. Remember a cam doesn't
>make horsepower, it is a tool for adjusting the torque curve of a motor to
>your driving style and needs.