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RE: Fwd: Volkswagen's Audi Courts Cosworth

Vickers votes today - Friday, June 5th on the VW offer.


Danix@aol.com decided to speak these words:

>  INGOLSTADT, Germany (AP) - German automaker Audi, a subsidiary of
>Volkswagen, said Thursday it was offering 350 million marks, or $197.7
>million, to buy British-based Cosworth motor producers, a subsidiary of

Jeez, you would think that VW would just go ahead and buy vickers.  They 
are buying everything they ahve anyway..hehe...


Michael Sheridan Williams
ICQ# 11740998

1985 4000 S Quattro 175,000+ miles, 1998 Pearl White, Koni 
Yellows/2Bennett, strut brace, Sport 8000 Tires, K&N, MOMO 4pt harnesses, 
Hella XL Driving lights (2x130w), magnacor wires....<out of breath>
1986 Oceanic Blue, 4000CS Quattro--Parting Out(ask if you want anything)
My father's: 1986 4000 CS Quattro--Graphite 161,000 miles
