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Hydroplaning & etc.

Re: the discussion about hydropaning - I would contend that tread 
pattern DOES make some difference.  Since I put he new Yokohama AVS 
V-series tires on the 200, it has been absolutely rock-solid in the 
wet.  Compared to the worn tires I had on it, the difference is 
astounding.  Of course, the tread depth part of the equation does 
come into effect here - yet I can't help but affirm that wet traction 
is improved over any tires I hae run before.

The AVS-V is unidirectional, with two center grooves (spaced about 
1/3 and 2/3 of the way across the tire) not unlike the Goodyear 
Aquatread, and has large channels running out from those.

Different effect but related - at in-town speeds, I haven't even 
been able to get a front tire to spin on wet roads!!  I'm tempted to 
attibute this both to tread pattern and to the rubber quality.

So far, those AVS's are looking mighty fine!
Al Powell, PhD
Ph:  409/845-2898
Fax: 409/862-1202
As of 7/1/98, email will be: Apowell@learn.colostate.edu