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(Fwd) Error Condition Re: In pro lights

Hey, someone must've forwarded my message to the 20v list, 'coz I don't 
remember sending it there.

Anway, I got this bounce.  If you still want it to go to the 20v list, 
you're gonna have to do something to resend it.

Funny how it bounced to me tho'.  I don't understand why it would pick me 
up as the sender from the headers.  Blows away what little I thought I 
knew about email!



------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          audi-20v@emailsol.com
Date:          Sat, 6 Jun 1998 09:37:14 -0400
Reply-to:      audi-20v@emailsol.com
To:            ken.keith@specialdevices.com
Subject:       Error Condition Re: In pro lights

ken.keith@specialdevices.com: You are not subscribed to
audi-20v@emailsol.com. Your message is returned to you unprocessed. If you
want to subscribe, send mail to listproc@emailsol.com with the following

  subscribe AUDI-20V Your Name

---- Info from the mother list that might interest you all:

Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 13:59:12 -0700
From: "Ken Keith" <Ken.Keith@SpecialDevices.com>
Subject: http://www.in-pro.com

Hey, that website has some stuff, namely smoked taillights and center decor
panels for "Audi Coupe' 's" on the site.  But it looks like it's for '89
and up model years.  Does this look to you folks like they're for the Coupe

I did email them to ask, but I was wondering if anyone knew.  It might make
more sense to others than to me.
