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S4 Hiccough. HELP!

Just purchased a 92 S4 with 68k.  On the ride home from DC to Portland
ME, I experienced what can best be described as a hiccough. For a
fraction of a second it seemed like somebody flipped the run switch off
then quickly back on.  First time it happened twice within two minutes.
Second time it happened once.  Third time it happened twice.  Then I
drove 5 hours without a repeat.  Maybe a fuel pump relay?  Any
diagnostic ideas welcome.  It is the kind of intermittent thing that
would never happen when you want it to.

By the way, if anybody needs a mechanic in the DC area, Paulo at
Autocentro was great.  I found him on the Quattrolist  of mechanics.
Very thorough and reasonably priced.  Made a cyber purchase very user
