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RE: S4 Hiccough. HELP!

> For a fraction of a second it seemed like somebody flipped the run switch
> then quickly back on.  First time it happened twice within two minutes.
> Second time it happened once.  Third time it happened twice.  Then I
> drove 5 hours without a repeat.


Never had this problem with my S4, but had a similar experience on my old
16V GTi.  Engine  would intermittently just cut out and then cut back on.
Checked the plug wires and found a couple that were pretty weak.  Replaced
the wires and all was fine.  HTH.

BTW, did you buy the car from a guy in McLean, VA?  A friend of mine was
interested in looking at a '92 for sale in McLean a couple weeks ago, but
never got a call back after leaving a message.  He's looking at one in
Baltimore as I write this post.

Happy Motoring...

- Marc
'93 S4...sometimes wish it was a '92
'85 urq