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RE:pwr seats lights out 89-90Q

<<89 Quattro 90
<<Its a very minor issue but both instrument lights in the heated seat
<<switches are out. I opened the switch and found that the bulbs are soldered
<<to the assembly. I won't buy two new switches but I would like to fix the
<<ones I have. Has anyone fixed these by soldering new bulbs to the assembly?

There is a fix for this, to the CQ & 90Q20V home page, there are insturctions
on how to replace bulb with a Radio Shack bulb. I did this on my CQ, and it
worked fine.  The bulb took about 20 minutes to replace.

Aud CQ & 90Q20V page: http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/3229

  /\        _I         Christian J. Long (& Breeze Heller - wife to be)
/    \ I_I I_I I       Orlando, Florida, USA
                       University of Central Florida Alumni 1994
'98 Audi A4 1.8T      Looking for a great chip to reach 200hp
'96 BMW 318ti
'90 Audi 90
Past Audis: '84 CGT, '85CGT, '87.5 CGT, '90 CQ