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Re: ABS sensor depth adjustment caps

On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Dave Head wrote:

> I've strained my weary (and old) eyes at the microfiche and still am unable
> to find the part number for these. Anybody have it handy?

I've had many ABS systems apart many times, and never bought those guys.  
I merely reassemble the sensor as close to the wheel as the original 
sensor allows, and tighten the thing down.   Works every time.  Ask 
Brendan, he can vouch for my "ABS Sensor Adjustment Procedure" :-)

Its not rocket science (or cell phone science either :-)  That thing is 
just a little guitar pickup sittin' next to a toothed wheel.   

Graydon D. Stuckey

"There's alot more to Jazz than just wrong notes"