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Re: help- car won't start after new air filter

At 06:46 PM 6/12/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I know how lame this seems, but after carefully installing a new air filter
>on a '89 90Q 5cyl the car won't start. I checked everything carefully and
>it is put back correctly. Any suggestions would be great as I am without a
>ride now until I can figure this out.

Gurdev - changing the air filter on a 90q is a big pain....lots of
disconnecting and shoving things around.  Check around the engine
compartment...my best guess is that something got disconnected around the
air filter.  Did you remove the big rubber boot on top of the air intake
flap?  How about all the PCV and vacuum hoses near the firewall?  A big
enough vacuum leak and it may not start.  Did your arm slip at some point
and slam into something?  Also check the ground wires on top of the
manifold, and anything else you can find.

If that fails, try to start the engine for at least 5 seconds, keep the
ignition on, and pull the codes to see if anything shows up......good

Steve Manning:  stephenm@ix.netcom.com
...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
.....Virtual home:  http://www.stationwagon.com