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Re: Ersatz S2 project update, long

Bravo, Brandon! 

	Actually, not so good for you...
	Now that you have begun the project, we smell blood, and will hound you
unendingly with repetative, needless questions regarding all aspects of
the conversion... 
and after the transplant is done? 
	Yeah right we let you off the hook! No! 
	We will continue to insolently pester you... hell, I'm driving out to
your house, and _gettting_ a ride in your car! (Can I drive it too??:)
	In all, thanks for everything you have done and will do for the quattro
community by undertaking this "ersatz S2" project. 
	The rest of us who are planning for this project are extremely grateful
in being able to follow your lead, rather than going "freestyle" off of
info snippets relinquished by certain people who aren't as knowledgeable
about the whole thing as they claim, or are flat opposed to revealing
any secrets they themselves have garnered.
	Thanks again. (By the way, can you email me directions to your house?:)
	- Ramana Lagemann
	- elmool@20v.net
	- 1990 CQ