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Re: flying low - was 108 MPH average

I know this to be the case.  However, like I said the trip was between WA
and CO.  You spend most of you time in Montana and Wyoming.  Most of the
others drivers cruise at about 95 or so (I had a cop pass me in a Taurus
going about 115-120, great protection from other cops.  Followed him for
about 150 miles at which point I needed to refill.).

Again, I know the dangers of this and only take passengers who are willing
to drive/ride at this speed.  Most of the passengers I have driven with are
Europeans or have lived in Europe where it is not uncommon to travel like

Happy flying.


>Other than being illegal, the biggest danger is other drivers who are
>trundling along at 45 MPH, somewhat higher than their limit of competence
>anyway. When you blast past them at 75 MPH difference, they may lose it
>entirely. Alternatively, they probably won't realize just how fast you are
>moving, and may pull out in front of you or change lanes directly into your
>path (trajectory?) leaving you no options but to play Kamikazi Road Warrior
>and drive directly through them.