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Re: Surging 4kcsq

BTST. In my opinion, the newer (last few years) version of this hose is
made out of a much softer material. I had a new one fail in less than a
month. My solution was to insert a small length of 1/2" copper pipe
inside the rubber pipe and then hose clamp it on the outside to keep it
from moving. Be sure that you don't block any of the side passages with
the pipe. Next time I'm in there I will take some photos and post them
as this issue comes up a few times a year.

> In observing the idling engine, I note that the (new this week) molded
> rubber hose between the mid-point of the IM and the ISV runs totally
> collapsed along about 2 inches of its length just past where it does a 90*
> bend at the mid-point of the IM. When I speed up the RPMs this collapse
> opens up. The old hose was soft and cracked in several places and I put on
> a new one, but I can see where that collapsed section might be fluttering
> open and shut and escalating the changes between the components that tie
> into the EM, creating an oscillating pressure event.