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Quick question about oil pressures...


Just one seemingly stupid question about oil pressures while driving.
What behaviour on the oil pressure gauge indicates proper working
oil system: fluctuates between 1.8 and 4.5 bar, ~1.8 bar at idle,
~4.5 bar at first-start ice-cold idle, ~4 bar highway driving (120kph),
between 2 bar and 4 bar normal stop/start and slow moving driving?

Just would like to know as my oil pressure has indicated < 1.0bar
at hot idle and sometimes maxes out at 3.0 bar at WOT since I had
an oil leak (gasket, turbo oil return line) fixed last year. The car
went to have a checkup on what needs to be done to make the motor
stock again and the first thing I was told was that I need a new oil
pump ($245 - $325 for new OE one!). Symptoms were the low pressure
(with some jumping needle fluctuation at idle), noisy lifters even when
hot, occassional backfire and pathetic performance for a turbo motor.
Yesterday I did an oil and filter change. Used only Audi agent filter
and put in Castrol Futron 20W60 part-syth oil (about $20 for the kit,
add $4 for filter strap wrench, so $24). The Duckhams synthetic that
went in last year (Nov/Dec) came out filthy! After the change I noticed
quiet lifters (minor tick at hot idle, barely audible above whatever
ticking is coming from under the car!!!), cold idle pressure is full
4.0 - 4.5bar, hot idle is ~1.8bar and highway running goes to ~4.0bar.
The fluctuating between the 2 limits at pull off and slow run is what
I recall from when I first got the car. Still have some sort of power
loss, might be gearbox; I have a hum when I sometimes put the 'box in
neutral or park at cold/hot idle. Tough time getting to 160km/h or
170km/h, even 1.6L Toyota Conquests seem to stick with the accellerating
turbo car. Might be related to visibly-split engine mounts and perhaps
stuffed up EM.

Anyway, sorry for the stupid blurb, please let me know what "normal"
looks like again on the oil pressure gauge.



PS: Got offered MC Gen-1 motor from later model 200 for under $2000,
    comes with 2-piece EM and K26. Some bits missing. So it looks like
    I'll be able to get a 2-piece EM for $280!
"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
1990 Turbo [200t fwd auto mac13a ECU 1.4-1.6 bar]
name   : gerard van vught
tel    : +27-21-696 0331 (h) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
url    : http://www.poboxes.com/gerard/
e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com  / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
         gerard@mosaic.co.za (work)