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Re: shocks

I have gone through 3 sets of the Boge's on my 86' Coupe GT.
Blew out the fronts, one weekend racing!

This made me switch to Bilstiens!  Price,-sure they cost twice
as much as Boges, but the set I have now has been on 3 times
longer than any Boge's would of lasted!

I had "aftermarket" springs, and the Boges just couldn't handle
the stiffer than OEM spring!

Koni's are another option, about the same price as Bilstiens, probably
perform slightly better, and are adjustable!!

If you have OEM springs, and drive "very mellow" over smooth roads,
you could expect about 30-40,000 miles from the Boges. 

Bilstiens are "guaranteed" for Life!

Plus the "inverted" front insert, improves handling on FWD & 4WD cars!
