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Some confirmation of Phil's wisdom

After my spouting about needing a new IC, I found I really needed a new
multi-thermo-time-slices-dices-gizmo switch!  Seems the old one was sending
an "overheat" signal all the time.

I started to piece together things when the car was fogging up really badly
these past couple days(we Massachusetts folk have been blessed with
downpour after downpour) and I realized the A/C wasn't working(some helpful
souls suggested the recirc flap, but it turned out ok, spring still there.)

Well, the only component that affects boost and A/C is that damn($91 inc.
tax) multi-switch.

How did I test it?  I unplugged the connector, plugged in my brand-spankin'
new thermoswitch I bought, rested it in a little nook in the engine, and
went off for a little test drive, leaving the old one in place to function
as dead weight.  I figure I can deal with a non-working coolant guage for a
few minutes...

<turn on CC>
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh...  AC works.(only relief from humidity is the car!)

<throttle to the floor>
Wheheheheeheee!.  That works :)

A tribute to Phil Payne's wise statement of "most audi drivers don't need
performance upgrades, they need everything working properly"(or something
to that effect.)

Yay Phil!

Now I just have to wait for the engine to cool down, then swap in the new
one, getting soaked in the process thanks to the continuing rain...

91 200q 20v

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.