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Re: 1984 Audi 500s
"Jeremiah Curry" <jeremiahcurry@sprintmail.com> wrote:
> I just bought a 1984 Audi GT to replace my dependable 1984 Audi 5000s.
> the 5000 overheated when the water pump went out then the expansion tank
> overflowed and burned out my fan. I had the water pump replaced then
> found out that the fan was gone, and the head gasket was blown. I didn't
> thing it was worth fixing, the mechanic said at least $500 and then my
> rings might blow due to a increased compression ratio. If this is wrong
> please let me know. If not anyone want to by it? It is in Utah and it
> has some other problems, but is generally in good condition. I'm
> thinking $500 obo
Only a true Audi lover would say,
"I bought _another_ Audi to replace my _dependable_ 5ks, which overheated
when the water pump went out, the expansion tank overflowed, burned out
the fan, then blew a head gasket..."