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RE: 1984 Audi 500s

As Click and Clack here in the states would say (radio show on car repair),  
"your mechanic must need to make his boat payment".  Ring problems on Audis 
are rare indeed.


At 23:32 15.06.98 -0700, Jeremiah Curry wrote:

>I just bought a 1984 Audi GT to replace my dependable 1984 Audi 5000s.  the
>5000 overheated when the water pump went out then the expansion tank
>overflowed and burned out my fan.  I had the water pump replaced then found
>out that the fan was gone, and the head gasket was blown.  I didn't thing it
>was worth fixing, the mechanic said at least $500 and then my rings might
>blow due to a increased compression ratio.  If this is wrong please let me

I don't really understand why replacing the head gasket would result in
increased compression. Especially increased enough to blow the rings. It is
a common practice to machine the head to ensure it is flat, but it
certainly does not increase the compression significantly. Besides, your
'84 car probably has some miles on it and the compression is not as good as
on a new car.