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Re: The friendly Quattro List
Trevor says:
> Anyway, the point of this is to let you know what a nice
> bunch of guys you have on the Quattro List, and let's make
> sure it stays that way.
Amen to that. In response to my first posting, I received three
helpful responses and a fourth offer from someone local to me to
swap in a part from his car to see if it solves my problem. This
goes beyond a bunch of guys and gals with similar cars bragging
on the Net, and I for one appreciate it.
Of the three people I think of as my best friends, I met two of
them through Internet mailing lists having to do with cars (and
the third I was married to some time before I started fussing with
computers :-). This list seems to have people of the same quality.
My sincere thanks and acknowledgement to you all (you know who
you are :-). And now, back to car stuff...
--Scott Fisher