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Was Re: Just bought 5kcsq, Please help!! IS: Radiators
Re: various posts about radiators and a recomendation of "all metal" Modine
I can see an advantage in the three row design. I see that there is a
theoretical advantage to the "repairability" of an all metal radiator.
However...my experiences differ in the "repairability" area. Also I was once
told by a co-owner of a very reputable local radiator shop that
plastic/alluminum radiators are "not as bad as people make them out to be" and
in some cases "cool better than all metal" (his quotes...).
My own recent "all metal" radiator experience:
85 4kq, had all metal radiator o.e. (I bought this car from original owner,
records were meticously kept...the radiator was original). At about 125k it
was "seeping" so I went and had it "repaired" only to have it develop a new
leak elsewhere. Did same again (by this time got real good at R&R'ing it!) and
same failure yet again...problem solved by replacement. (How's it holding up
some 50k miles later Michael?)
An arguement against plastic/alluminum is longevity right? Okay...my current
two data points are:
87 5ktq, just had it's first new radiator at about 143k miles. The replacement
was german made and cost me about $170.00 from a local parts place I get some
Audi parts from (Carr Parts in Santa Cruz, CA.).
85 ovlov 240 DL "mommiewagon" has *original* plastic/alluminum radiator at
192k and still no leaks, no breakage...yet. (Yes, it is on way borrowed time,
and it will get an all metal replacement cuz for that car they are cheaper.)
Both of these car's so called "unreliable" plastic/alluminum radiators
outlived the all metal one in my 4kq. So aside from potentialy better cooling
from that third row, I am not at all convinced that all metal radiators
present a better value. The only benefit I can see is that they are not prone
to sudden catastrophic failure that the plastic tanks can sometimes exhibit. I
realize I am going against the grain of some folks who's opinions I greatly
respect here...this is just my own experiences on this and I HTH someone.
Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq