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Re: Milling a 4KQ head

I think he just missed a couple of decimal points. I'm sure he meant .040
inch which would increase the compression to approx.. 9.5:1.    Scott has a
good point. Increasing compression with a piston change is better.  85
GTI/GLI pistons are the right size and have the smaller dish to increase the
CR to 10:1. This will keep the combustion in the chamber where it belongs.


-----Original Message-----
From: ScottyCBoy@aol.com <ScottyCBoy@aol.com>
To: TPenasack@worldnet.att.net <TPenasack@worldnet.att.net>
Cc: Quattro@coimbra.ans.net <Quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Sunday, June 21, 1998 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: Milling a 4KQ head

>In a message dated 98-06-21 17:29:29 EDT, you write:
><< I had an interesting conversation with Carlos Arrieta  of Arrieta
> MotorSports about his 4KQ.  He has an 85 with a 87(?)
> 5000 Turbo(MB?) engine.  It is setup to run divisional rally's the first
> being the STPR in early June. (He DNF'd because a line form the heater
> burst).  During our conversation he mentioned having the head of my 4kq
> engine milled .00040 inch. He stated that it would bring the compression
> from 8.2:1 to 9.5:1 the result being around 10-15 increase in horsepower.
>  Comments from the list?
>  >>
>He's full of it !!! Milling a head that little won't effect compression
>much... You can't increase the compression considerable by milling the
>To much and the head warps easily.... The only good way to increase
>compression is to use pistons with less of a dish....