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Re: where can I get R1s?

THIS IS NOT MY POST.  Please don't reply to me directly.  Reply to the
author, Craig Seko <rsr@seko.ca>.  I forwarded it to the q-list from the
944 list because it contains interesting info.  Thanks and enjoy!

>X-From_: 924/944-admin@porschelist.org  Mon Jun 22 13:53:43 1998
>X-ROUTED: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 16:52:34 -0500
>X-Sender: rsr@seko.ca
>Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 16:51:40 -0400
>To: "924/944/944S2/951/968" <924/944@porschelist.org>
>From: Craig Seko <rsr@seko.ca>
>Subject: Re: where can I get R1s?
>X-Message-Id: <>
>Reply-To: Craig Seko <rsr@seko.ca>
>Sender: 924/944-admin@porschelist.org
>X-Lyris-To: [johkar@teleport.com]
>X-Lyris-MemberID: 4633
>X-Lyris-MessageID: 26938
>At 02:02 PM 22/06/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>If anyone knows of a source for BFG R1s, would they mind sharing it? The
>>big 2 mail-order distributors have put me on hold.  TIA.
>Sorry, I think you have no hope, except calling every performance tire
>dealer you've ever heard of that actually carries some stock.
>I know I got the last two 245/45x16 R1's BFG had in stock on North America,
>and it took some screaming for the BFG Zone office in question to give them
>up. Build date on the tires was last year.
>Similarly, a friend of mine got the last set 205/55x16 R1's in Canada.
>Thus, the only stock left in popular sizes is at the dealer level. Tire
>Rack had a number of tires on hand but I think nervous competitors have
>cleaned/will clean them out.
>Not really your question, but while i'm here...
>Normally I get very good info on tires/availability because I write an
>annual review of R-compounds that seems to influence a lot of Porsche
>people - at least that's what the local dealers say <cough>. 
>Here's my 0.02 cent theory:
>- BFG makes absolutely nothing on R1's, in fact, they write the loss off to
>marketing of T/A's (fact)
>- BFG ain't making any more R1's, no matter what they say (theory)
>- R1's are outclassed by Hoosiers and Kumhos (blatant opinion)
>- BFG is busy making g-forces for Trans-Am (a new thing for them), and SCCA
>World Challenge. Those pro people get the tires (fact)
>- this is taking more effort than BFG expected (theory)
>- g-Forces aren't be legal this year in SCCA Solo (fact)
>- BFG has stated that they will only release g-forces when enough
>tires/sizes are available to ensure complete coverage in class. They say
>they don't want to cause competitive inequities. (fact).
>- think about that for a second. Think about the range of tire sizes in
>about any class in SCCA Solo. To meet their statement they're going to have
>to release almost all the tires at once! (theory)
>- Michelin has direct competitors to the T/A hi-po tire line (fact)
>- regular performance T/A's have received little to no updating (fact)
>- OTOH, T/A truck/SUV tire sales are rockin', and all kinds of weird tread
>compounds are available. (fact)
>I think:
>- the BFG T/A will become Michelin's truck/sport truck/SUV line.
>- the "performance" T/A's will remain, but in niches like slammer sizes,
>and receive minimal updating.
>- g-force T/A slicks will still be available to series-specific to support
>marketing of "performance" T/A's.
>- the R1 is dead.
>- Michelin will re-label/modify the g-force to become some form of Pilot SX
>and (try to) market it at GS-CS prices.
>As for the last point, all the tire manufacturers would love to figure out
>how Goodyear can charge so much for the GS-CS and still sell tires. Here in
>Canada Pirelli tried to sell its R-compound at high prices and absolutely
>no one bought any (outside of series competitors). Never forget that,
>outside of Hoosier, no R-compound manufacturer is really interested in
>selling these things - they exist solely for creating marketing image.
>No flames, please, two years from now I can either say "I told you so" or
>you can all tell me I'm full of sh*t. :-)
>Comments welcome, tho, and yes, I hope I'm wrong.
>Craig "Mr. Off-course" Seko, Ottawa, Canada. craig@seko.ca
>Rennsport region - PCA - <http://seko.ca/rsr.htm>
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