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Re: Oil light on!!('85 Coupe GT)
Three Months Ago?! Oh my! Just speaking from experiences with my old
`82 Coupe, you need to use S.A.E. 30, (or around there), weight oil. You
also should change that oil every other month in an older car. My car
would do the same thing until I gave it new oil. Then again, my car was
a moving parts bin. I say the safest thing to do is do a complete oil
change. But see what everyone else has to say before you listen to my
ranting and raving.
`85-`86 CGT
`82 Coupe (R.I.P.)
On Mon, 22 Jun 1998 11:53:49 -0700 Lisa Schiefer <seast@home.com> writes:
>I was driving around yesterday afternoon apartment/ house hunting when
>my oil
>light came on and buzzed at me for about 3 seconds then went out
>again. It's
>never come on before so it scared the poop out of me. I was crawling
>along at
>20 mph at the time staring at some building. I checked the oil level
>and it
>was low no more than half a quart. I don't think it would be something
>to pop
>on every 50K miles or so like an OX sensor- especially since my
>stopped at 132K over a year ago. By the time I remembered to check the
>pressure gauge, about a minute later, it read 5 bar like normal.
> So, what could make it come on _and buzz_ under such tame
>conditions and with
>plenty of oil? I've made the light flash before in a couple 270 degree
>ramps; but not buzz. Been running errands today with no problems. BTW;
>Castrol 20-50, last changed 3 months ago, occasionally topped off, but
>really burn oil. "Swepco 502 oil improver" added at every other oil
>change to
>quiet lifters: IT WORKS.
> Any ideas besides a ghost in the machine?
>Shane East
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