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Re: mobil 1 in bulk

I've seen the 5 qt(lt?) jugs for about $16 here in Seattle (Schucks - local
auto supply house). Think it was only 5w30 and I use 15w50 so I didnot buy

mike miller
91 200q

-----Original Message-----
From: David Kavanagh staff <kavanagh@kodak.com>
To: smullen@philly.infi.net <smullen@philly.infi.net>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 1998 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: mobil 1 in bulk

>My experience in getting Mobil 1 in bulk added up to either
>buy cases taking advantage of rebates, etc., or buy the 55 gallon drum!
>I heard rumors of 5 liter jugs, 15 liter jugs, but Mobil and the
>distributors I called said it wasn't available in anything but the quart
>containers or 55 gallon drums. Bummer....
> David
>BTW, there is a 3 dollar rebate running now, got the forms at KMart.