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Abt Stage 1 for A4 1.8Tq
Hello, I'm new to this list, and this is the first message I have sent. I've
read a lot of the posts, and I say, this list IS friendlier than the A4.org
group (although there are some people in both groups, like me). So, here's the
I'm gonna get a A4 1.8T, and I want to get the hp to about 200. The Abt Stage
1 kit looks extremely attractive. Its cheap, and it's from a proven company. I
want the Wett chip, but well, money's a little tight for a 17 year old, and
$795 or $695 is quite a chunk of change (at least to me) compared to $570 for
the Abt. Sure, its prob. a little slower, but whats a couple ticks of the
clock anyway?
So, does anyone have this particular setup, or have any experiance with Abt?
Good? Bad? Any input would be appreciated. Also, if u have a reason for me NOT
to buy the Abt, by all means, tell me!
Thanks in advanced,
1993 Honda Accord LX
1999 Audi A4 1.8T Abt Stage 1 (soon)