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Used Audi's and China connection

I have experienced two stories the past few days about used Audi's and
China and wanted to know what the list thought had heard similar

The first was on ABC's World News Tonight last night (Tuesday). The
story was on US business in China, GM was featured. They talked about 
how the government run companies basically copy the car, take off
badges, put their own on and sell it as a domestic car.  They used an
Audi to illustrate what they do with foreign cars.

The other situation came about as a result of me trying to sell my 92
100CS.  I put it on www.classifieds2000 and www.tradeonline. I received
a lot of inquires by wholesalers all around the country, 90% from  the
west coast and ready to offer my nothing for the car, sight unseen and
could have a truck within the week to my location to pick it up in
Atlanta.  I was also talking to a dealer on a recent business trip to
Chicago who had a 92 100CSQ with 100k and he said they were just going
to wholesale it to a local dealer who ships them to China.  

I knew this situation was common in cars like Peugeot who are popular
all around the world.  Was just curious if others had heard of this
China connection as well.  I just hope it doesn't make used Audi's
popular with carjackers like airbags and the current #1 stolen car,
which I believe is a Buick or Oldsmobile.
