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Audi service manuals for sale

  Hello Audi enthusiasts,
Here's the updated list of what's currently left. There are a few other
things that are on hold for people that aren't getting back to me that
will be available first of the week. But for now here's what's available

These are factory training manuals, usually not available to the public,
they put the Bentley to shame in terms of understanding procedures for
repairs and trouble shooting with basic garage tools.
For a list of what books are available to the public e-mail
scottmo@teleport.com , Scott has a list on his web site, I lost the

91/92 V6 W/ MPI Engine management Service Training $15

92 100 Service Training $15 

93 Technical Service Bulletins Vol. 1 & 2 $15

90 Coupe Q Service Training 20V $15

92 ~ on 100 manual trans 01E Service Training $10

92~on 100 manual trans 012 Service Training $10

92 100Q 01A Manual trans 140 pages $15

92	100 Preliminary 097 auto trans service training 80 pages $10

92 100 012 manual trans Preliminary service training  $10

92 100 Body exterior/interior Service Training  Preliminary $10

92 100 Auto Trans 01K Service Training $10

92 Model change info ( covers the changes of all models for 92) $10

93  90 Auto trans 097 repair manual $10

78-85 5000 diagrams ( can you say thorough?) 300 pages $40

92 100Q auto trans 01F service training 125 pages $10 ( two copies

86 Model change info.  $10

80-85 4000 wiring diagrams 300 pages $40

92 Model change Info. $10 

93 Cabriolet service training $10
90-91 4-Speed Auto trans 097 Service training $10

e-mail me privately and thanks for the space dfutrell@whpacific.com