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Re: Cartridge Tool (fwd)
I noticed the talk about this tool and I thought
I would throw in my two cents. I just changed all the shocks on my 89
200T. For the front, I went looking for the tool, and I ended up at the
dealer here in Santa Monica, CA. The service manager got one his
mechanics to come out and talk to me about how to do the job (which was
really great). Anyways, the short of it is, the mechanic said that they
had screwed up their tool and instead of buying a new one, they now just
use large pliers to loosen the fastening nut or the threaded cap as Bently
calls it. And so I went down to Sears and bought a large pair of channel
locking pliers. I raised the car slightly to gain access through the
wheel well and just loosened up the cap. It was easy and no damage.
On Fri, 26 Jun 1998 SSpangenbe@aol.com wrote:
> I called my local dealer in search of the tool you mentioned. They didn't
> have it but they referred me to: Zelenda Auto Inc. Zelenda needs a part
> number. Do you have it?
> Where did you find this tool?
> thanks,
> Scott Spangenberg
> SSpangenbe@aol.com