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Re: mount Washington
Youch! you know the audi gods are a finicky few -- one never knows just
how far one can go. Interesting that they didn't consider you not
borrowing a buddy's f*rd.
I have a vw scirocco scca it-c car along w/ my 86 4kq. My ex had (has)
a 91 cabriolet, on which i have had the dubious honor of replacing the
head gasket. hmmm. anyway, if you happen to have the thing coasting
through delaware, i have just the facility (good buddy, meticulous work,
extremely reasonable rates (six pack of bass and a few bucks -seriously)
to have your deal squared away. Otherwise, they're just like a 4k, only
I didn't get a chance to meet many people, as i was busy introducing
some wet-behind-the-ears jeep guys to the real world...
Richard Haroutunian wrote:
> I know you were -- I did make it up -- did I meet you on sat? what kind of
> car do you have?
> I don't know if you read my earlier message -- but I blew a headgasket in
> my VW on Sat and missed the races on Sunday because of it. I was so bummed
> out!
> The Audi Gods were pissed that I brought the VW instead of one of the
> Quattros.
> Know anything about headgaskets?
> Richard
> 82 VW Cabriot -- spewing watery oil from beneath
> 85 4KSQ -- with a migraine headache
> 87 5KCSTQ -- with chronic post-nasal drip and cataracts