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audio amps & cooling

(a little late on this thread, but..)

The ideal mounting position is with the fins in the verticle plane, plus or
minus a few degrees. Convection helps airflow.

If you still have cooling problems, or don't want to find some way to mount
your amp rack vertically, computer power supply fans work pretty well for
creating airflow, and handily enough, they work with +12vdc. If a couple of
those don't help, I suppose you could put a plexi cover over the rack, to
make sure the airflow is directed soley over the amps. Be careful with that
setup, if the fans die, overheating will probably occur.

If you want to go pro, use a thermo switch to turn on the fans when they
get warm, then a thermo switch to shut them down if they get way too hot.

A trick wiring job, and hey, you could compete in car audio comps as well!
That's probably a little overboard though, but a nice job in the trunk
[ brooks@frii.com    '89.5 200Q @ 1.8 bar for summertime]