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Re: A/C compressor screech

-----Original Message-----
From: Wallace White <whitew@leland.Stanford.EDU>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Thursday, July 09, 1998 4:23 AM
Subject: A/C compressor screech

>I'm almost finished with my cross-country trip and the 5kcstq is doing
>well, though it gives me cause for concern sometimes. The A/C compressor
>makes an unpleasant, half-second screech most of the time it engages at
>highway speeds. 3000 rpm is the breakpoint: below that, it's silent, and
>above that, it's pretty regular. But since we're driving through Montana,
>it's a shame not to take advantage of the "reasonable and prudent" speed
>Reading channel 14 on the climate control, I can watch the high pressure
>side temperature cycle, the compressor disengaging around 120 F and
>engaging around 95 F, every thirty seconds or so. (Glad I brought the
>Bentley along for the trip.) That's at a little over 80 mph, maybe 3100
>rpm. There have been no fault codes, except an occasional 07 for the
>stupid flaps that aren't working right, but I'll worry about that later.
>How concerned should I be? I just had the system charged last week (back
>in Rhode Island) and it's been good and cold since then. I hope I'm not on
>my way to a new compressor. Thanks for all advice, as always.
>- Wallace White
>  '87 5kcstq, 145k (and rising fast)
Hi Wallace;

    Check your V-belt for tension and wear.


Fred Munro
'91 200q  255k km