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Re: WGFV, LED Tester and WOT Switch
> Thanks Phil. That is how i rigged it. Waiting for the commute to work
> so that I can open her up. So this will let me know that the ECU is
> trying to correctly do what needs to be done but the WGFV may still be
> bad? So how do I test the WGFV itself?
Just run the standard ECU output tests. When the test comes to the WGFV's
turn, you'll hear the valve click on and off if it's working.
You could also remove it from the car, and hook a small tube up to it. Apply
voltage using a battery or a cigarette lighter accessory thingie. I can't
remember if it's open (passing flow) when energized, or when not energized,
but one way, you'll be able to blow air through the valve, the other way,
air will not pass.
hth, -doug q
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com) [Call me "Doug"]
QuattroClub USA# 4536 Audi International # 100024
74 100LS Auto, 84 Coupe GT
77 100LS Auto, 86 5Kcstq QLCC 1.8bar
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