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Oooooops, damn!

>> She's ok!
>> Audi not so good..........

>hit mine.  Too bad he used the brakes and not the steering wheel to try
>to miss me.  At the time of impact I wasn't even moving anymore...

Sorry to hear about all of you kids' accidents.. :(

Glad to hear that everyone is alright!

Good luck with the insurance people.. They've always been nice to me.. At
least, until I get re-rated in August.. Then they'll be nice, I'll be
broke... But my car will be OK!

They've always been really good about getting things towed, letting the
body shop do their job, going after uninsured drivers so I don't have to
pay for their mistakes.. As much as it sucks getting into an accident,
they've been real cool. Rates didn't go up after I ripped the alternator
and oil-lines off the bottom of the engine, didn't go up when I needed some
body work because of a sideways fence incedent.. I just gave them a call,
dropped by the body shop for an appointment, and was good to go.

>won't open.  I don't have collision ins. currently so I'm praying his
>ins. co. are decent people!  I am very sad.

Oooh.. No collision.. Bummer. I've found that if you bug _your_ insurance
CO to deal with _his_ insurance co, that _his_ insurance co will be a lot
more helpful & likely to pay for expensive body work.

>the right direction.  I was planning on doing some body work anyway, 

<grin> well, it sounds like the droF truck might have caused those little
problems, as well.. right? I thought so.

>Did I mention I sorta got hit by lighting (zapped through my phone)

Some people have all the luck..

brooks		-fort collins/laporte area, n. colorado-
[ brooks@frii.com    '89.5 200Q @ 1.8    S&W Sigma 9F 17+1 ]