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sad news

When we speak of "Cameraderie" I often think of Unka Bart,
who I've never met, but consider a friend.

Sadly, his mom has passed away.  He's asked me to share
the following.  I've asked him for an address where we
can send cards, and I'll post it when I get it.

>I'd appreciate it if you would pass the essentials on to the list, 
>and tell them that, as I am coordinating everything involved, 
>including writing a eulogy and hosting a houseful of 
>of out-of-town family (who I will be chauferring down to 
>Aiken, SC for the memorial service, and back), I'll
>be fully occupied with this unhappy matter, at least through 
>the end of this month.
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
ANS Communications	 	http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
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