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UrQ Radiator Fan Upgrade
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:50:40 -0400
From: Robert Houk - WorkGroup Server Firmware <Robert.Houk@East.Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: UrQ Radiator Fan Upgrade
Many of you out there may already know this, but for those who don't here
I recently did a single rad conversion, thanks to Chris Semple, and I am very
pleased with the results. The final piece was a better fan. After a lot of
searching at junkyards, Chris accidentally hooked me up again (I had to pull
it myself). The 1987 1/2 NG motored coupe has the same UrQ, 4000 5cyl
radiator, plus an auxiliary rad, but most importantly it has a 5-blade fan
that bolts right in to the UrQ. Importantly it has the two speed hookup,
normal and high for AC. Just in case you care about replacing your 3-blade
UrQs are three-speed (two via the motor [three-pin connection] -- high and
hurricane for the A/C; the third-low/engine off-via external relay-
bypassed dropping resistor) radiator fan setups
fan. HTH
If you are talking about the "bigger" (more powerful) fan motor (from the 5000
series? others?), the stock UrQ wiring will *NOT* handle the load. The relays
and fuse box ***WILL NOT*** handle the load.
Just a heads up . . . from one who has replaced much melted wiring, relays,
fuse panels, and the like.
I know they're three speed fans, but only two speeds are related to the motor
itself. The 1987 1/2 coupe fan is exactly the same as the UrQ's except for two
things. 1) 5 blades. 2) No hose connection. Seeing as very few cars have the
hose connection, I think it's not a big deal. HTH
Andrew Finney
1983 UrQ.