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Re: OPINION WANTED : Audi as a "consumer" vehicle (long)
Big Al <awoolhouse@zetex.com> wrote:
> Theoretically this is obvious - a Q is going to cost you more.
> It's more expensive to fix IF it goes wrong. It drinks more fuel. It
> costs more to insure. It IS more complex mechanically so there ARE
> more things to go wrong. And you're more likely to need a more
> specialist mechanic. With specialist tools. At a specialist rate.
> There are a million good compelling reasons to buy a quattro (I hope
> they're good because I keep on doing it) but unfortunately, economy
> isn't one of them. But. All of the above can apply to much lesser cars
> too. Buy one wisely and you will NOT regret it. Lots of cars cost lots
> of dosh and sometimes you don't get your money's worth. You would with
> a quattro. Which would you prefer? A large, thirsty, complex,
> comfortable, ugly, slow, techno-limo - or a real car? Come on you only
> live once. You know it makes sense.
> Good luck
> Big Al
> 85 URQ
> 95 A62.6V6
Big Al:
Thanks for your comments I fully agree with your observations. I drive
Quattro. I own 3 Audis . There are 7 Audis in my family. Four are
In the "original" request for opinion Andrei Kogan wrote the following
" I will not be able to afford (timewise) to have a car as a hobby "
" I am interested in particular in non-quattro 100 and 200, 89-92
" I would like to see a 100 with as few electrical amenities (such as
seat ajustments)" as possible."
" Can we afford owning an Audi ( say 5-8 years old with 100K miles or
less) and not a mass-market car under circumstances when we cannot do
any mechanical work on the car ourselves any longer ?"
Would you recommend Andrei to buy a Quattro ?