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Re: OPINION WANTED : Audi as a "consumer" vehicle (long)

In a message dated 7/29/98 Pcarselle <pcarselle@worldnet.att.net> writes:

<< In the "original" request for opinion Andrei Kogan wrote the following
" I will not be able to afford (timewise) to have a car as a hobby "
" I am interested in particular in non-quattro 100 and 200, 89-92
" I would like to see a 100 with as few electrical amenities (such as
seat ajustments)" as possible."
" Can we afford owning an Audi ( say 5-8 years old with 100K miles or
less) and not a mass-market car under circumstances when we cannot do
any mechanical work on the car ourselves any longer ?"

Would you recommend Andrei to buy  a Quattro ? >>

I don't think Andrei should buy *any* 5-8 year old car with 100k miles unless
he is prepared time-wise (and he stated he isn't) or money-wise (not
stated--but if that wasn't an issue he could just buy new)--especially an Audi
or other high tech European car. My guess is (electrical system aside) his
best bet maybe something ultra boring like an ovlov 240. (I know I know....but
I have one for my fiance' to cart the kids around in and it is *very*
inexpensive to maintain, even at 200k miles.) Typically beyond 100k is where
Asian and US cars can turn into money pits as well...

Bottom line is that Pablo's advice was sound, but perhaps the presentation
ruffled our quattro fan feathers a bit. I would go one step farther--avoid the
type 44 chassis car period. If you have your heart set on one...it may as well
be a quattro so that you feel better about it as it bleeds you dry.

Good luck Andrei and I hope you find something that works out for you!

Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq