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Darwin Awards (no audi content)

Subject was: Welcome to quattro (A8 crash data)
>>In a message dated 7/31/98 12:54:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>>brett@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net writes:
>>> neither are anybody else's.  Human beings exceed in finding new, unusual,
>>>  and exciting ways to destroy all sorts of things, including cars.
>>Couldn't have said it better myself!
>hmm.  latest revision to that statement:
>Human beings exceed in finding new, unusual, and exciting ways to destroy
>all sorts of things, including cars and themselves.
>Anyone ever hear of "The Darwin Awards"?
>One of the winners was a man who attached JATO(Jet Assisted TakeOff;
>basically rockets for getting bloated jets off a aircraft carrier or short
>runway) to his car out in AZ and ended up smashing into a cliff(shortly
>after leaving the ground.)

I'm posting this only to clear it up formally.  The JATO was urban legend.
The definitive site (by definition, because they define them) for the
Darwin Awards is at http://www.officialdarwinawards.com.


'97 2.8L A4Q, blk/blk leather, stick, about 2 qts 20W50 per 1000 miles.