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Audi Factory Service Manuals For Sale -Cheap!

Hi Guys,
It's me again, Dean from the Corrado side of the fence. I've been stock
piling some Audi books and am ready to offer them. E-mail me privately
dfutrell@whpacific.com <mailto:dfutrell@whpacific.com>  

96/97 A4 complete volume set
Suspension and alignment
Body exterior/interior
Electrical Equipment
Suspension, wheels, brakes, & steering
96 Service Training
2.8L V6 general engine
Those are all in individual vinyl Audi sleeves with clear title window
Also included is approx. 200 pages of TSBs for the A4 and a incomplete book
of wiring diagrams
Approximately 1000 pages of A4 info V6/ and 1.8T $125

84-89	5000/200 Recall Campaign GK 50 pages, covers the pre-delivery recall
of the fuel system, good diagrams, wiring info, etc. Covers engines KM, MC,
and ML  $10each ( have a few copies)

86     5000S & 5000 CS Turbo ABS Training. 55pages Excellent ABS info,
wiring diagrams, trouble shooting, list of all components and locations, etc
$10 each ( multiple copies)

86	Coupe GT Electronic Instrument Display Service Training , includes
wiring diagrams, trouble shooting, schematic of pins, etc 25 pages $5 each (
have a few copies)

85 Model Change Info. All models, 50 pages, tech info, applicable wiring
changes and diagrams, photos of new models, lists info relative to changes
in the model year. $10 each  ( 7 available)  

84/85 5000 Update Pro Training Covers hot starts, sun roof repair, climate
control repair, & special repairs 60 pages $10

86	5000 Wiring diagrams 244 pages $20 each (2)

95 90 Wiring diagrams 121 pages late 96 release ( current) $20 each (2)

90 Coupe Q w/ 20V Service Training 66 pages ( need I say more?) $15 each (
14 available) 

88  80/90 Service Training Introduction  80 pages, good overview of new
models and there components
 color photos, sketches,  Training book only $10 each
Training book  in Audi envelope with check out sheets,  Tech card for
programming radios, and "Building Customer Satisfaction " Glossy insert $15
Xerox copy of Training manual free with other purchase

Stack of TSBS mostly A6 and micc. Trans books $20 ( about 1000 pages of

That's about it for now, but most of that stuff I have doubles of so if you
don't read this message for a few days still drop me a e-mail if you see
something you want. 
Also some of the stuff like the 80/90 book and ABS book I have umpteen
copies of and will offer bulk discounts. 
I will have a lot more books before the end of the summer, you can e-mail me
in a few weeks or I'll post my new list then-
