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Re: Wheel Bearing?

When my rear bearing went, it was WOBwobWOBwobWOBwobWOB noise that varies
in period with speed; when we pulled out the bearing, there was a section
that was pitted, in an almost rust-like pattern/fashion.

Is the clicking's frequency dependent upon speed, ie, does it speed up when
you speed up?  Does it get louder/quieter with braking or turning?  If it
gets louder with braking, then it's probably a front bearing since it's
getting loaded more.  If it goes away when braking, it's a rear.  Taking
curves will load one bearing or the other, and reveal which side.

This was my experience from our bearing failure...


>Here's a noet asking for creative ideas on a noise.
>For at least two years, we have heard a rattle rom the RF corner of
>our 1990 200 when going over bumps with the windows open.  I've
>checked the bumper, body aprts in front, grille, etc. and can't fidn a
>darn thing that's loose.  Nor can I find anything loose on the
>suspension adjacent to or connected to the RF wheel.
>Recently, we've noticed a clicking sound - not all the time, but
>often - from that same LF corne while cruising at low speed.  We're
>house-hunting and so have been doing a lot of 20 mph slow cruises
>down residential streets with the windows open - perfect for hearing
>I'm thinking a wheel bearing is announcing problems.  However, I'm
>not sure how to test and confirm this.  I know others have BTDT
>and I would welcome any suggestions on testing or methods of
>confirming whether a wheel bearing is the culprit.

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.