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Re: When was that Pentosin thread?

Hmm, the color of the synthetic. Unfortunately, I am red-green
color-blind, so to speak. (That's just what they call common
color-blindness, but don't worry, I can tell a red light from a green
light just fine.) The Audi G 002 000 synthetic, however, is definitely
not red. It is green, more of a forest green than Pentosin CHF 7.1,
which is a brighter (lime?) green and is less viscous. Color-blindness
disclaimers do apply.

- Wallace White
  '87 5kcstq 148k mi

Fred Munro wrote:
> Hi Wallace;
>     I can't really answer your question, but there have been some comments
> on the list that it is OK to add synthetic to mineral systems but not vice
> versa. Personally, I would stick to whatever the system was designed for. As
> for a flushing material, the proper grade of pentosin (ah, the horror, the
> cost!) would probably be safest. Hopefully a more knowledgable lister can
> give you a definative answer.
>     I know you can answer my question, however - what colour is the
> synthetic? Some listers have said it is red, some say it is green. You've
> seen them both - what colour IS this stuff?
> Fred Munro
> '91 200q  256k km