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RE: Porsche guys?
Eaton Dave <dave.eaton@minedu.govt.nz> wrote:
>here in little old nz, a chrome 911 is seen to be moderately cool,
>because the porsche person is seen as a car nut. put in the same
>category as deux chevaux owners :-)
You must get a quite different category of 2CV owners than we do- here it's
usually hippie/student types who run the car into the ground.
Recogniseable by every panel on the car having a different colour, every
panel being dented and rusty, lights, windows and roof fixed to the car
with duct tape, bumpers missing.
Some Porsches seem to have made the transition to 'banger' status here-
especially the 924 and 944 are plentiful in beat-up configuration. The 928
is cheap to buy, too, but tend to be driven by enthousiasts only. I'd
almost bought a 1984 911 when shopping for my current car a few months ago.
These are getting semi-affordable... reality check told me the part aren't,
Tom Nas Zeist, The Netherlands
1987 Audi 90q 2.3E, Tizianrot metallic, 165,000km
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