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K26 "clicking" ...

> >If the impellor retaining nut is off (and it's sometimes hard to tell
> >unless you actually recover the thing) then it's a turbo-off job.

> Is this is because you've lost the balancing from loosing the nut, and from
> the impellor turning relative to the shaft?

Not just that.

a) You'd have to get the nut back _exactly_ in the balanced position.
   As you probably know, if you've seen one end-on, there's usually
   a drill bit mark on the face of the nut from final balancing.

b) How are you going to hold it while you torque up the bolt?

c) [the killer] If the nut has been off for a while, the blades may
   have contacted the housing.  This will have altered the balance,
   and will quite possibly have filled the immediate environment
   with metal splinters.


 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)