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Re: So how do we distinguish S4s?

>	How do we distinguish early ('92-'94) S4s from A4-based S4s in
>conversation?  Will the early ones be UrS4? or SfUr?  :-)
UrS4 sounds good.

>	How much different is the '91 200TQ from the S4 in character and
>performance?  I expect the S4 to handle alot better given its superior
>chassis.  (Is it really superior?  I would hope so, since it is an
>evolution of the type 44)

correct me if I'm wrong, anyone:

slight improvement on almost all grounds over the 200.  Better lighting,
better climate control head(I hate how mine looks, almost every other
200q20v owner I've talked to hates it too, and wants an S4-style head),
slightly more powerful engine, stiffer chassis, and the benefits associated
with a newer car.  Oh, and the radio might be a little bit better(but
they're totally compatible; you can plug in a S4 head in place of a 200q20v
head; several listers have done so.)

-1.5x-2x the price of a really _nice_ 200q20v with 60k on the clock
-heavier(but only slightly from what I understand)
-can't share any parts with type 44's, where as the 200q20v can share a
modest number

Both are very nice cars; if you want something a little more fun and don't
really care about cosmetics like ugly cc heads, buy a 200q20v, install
Euros, and get a Hoppen/Ned/TAP stage 1 and laugh all the way to the bank;
you'll still  come out a couple grand less than an S4.

Oh wait...am I thinking of the S6?  Ack.  I was never able to keep track of
the S car line...didn't it go S4, S6, then back to S4 with the a4-like S4?


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.